Coinbase is a great platform to buy xlm to trade on Lobstr for xlm based tokens including our tokens
Trusted crypto platform….watch a few videos learn a little and earn free tokens and swap for xlmÂ
Download Lobstr app or sign up and use the web browser version When setting up keep your Recovery Phrase safe make more than one copy …. These are your KEYS to your wallet For extra security use Lobstr Vault Find Lobstr Vault on Lobstr wallets home page….To fund Lobstr with £ $ use the in app service via moonpay to buy Xlm ....Coinbase is another good place to buy xlm…. Once your Lobstr wallet is funded with Xlm & the vault is installed you are all set to buy xlm based Tokens ..... To add asset (Trees n Bees for example ) click the plus sign + top right of the app type into the search box and all our community tokens will come up Click the asset you will need 0.5 xlm for each asset (token wallet) Once you have our wallets you are all set up to swap xlm for Btrust or Trees n Bees tokens
Find Lobstr in the App Store or check out their site
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